Leading online job board totaljobs has compiled a new free “How to Kickstart your Career” eBook! This essential guide will help you along your jobseeking journey, featuring advice from recruitment experts across the UK. Get top tips from confidence coach Annie Ashdown, recruitment expert Aimee Bateman and interview connoisseur Margaret Buj.
Twelve insightful chapters will help you get your job search off to a great start and drastically increase your chances of landing that dream job, as well as advise you on how to make the most of the job you have and successfully advance your career. Topics include “Making your CV Stand Out”, “Managing your Personal Brand” and “Achieving Work-Life Balance” to name a few.
Have a peak at the first chapter “How to Set Meaningful Career Targets” written by Nisa Chitakasem, founder of Position Ignition, below.
“Whether you want to find a new job, change career direction or get a promotion, it’s always a great idea to set some career goals to get you focused. As specialists in the area of career change and career planning, our team at Position Ignition would like to share some career guiding tips with you.
Establish what you are trying to do
Think about what your goals are, write them down and lay them out in some sort of priority order. Plan how you are going to tackle each of your goals and try to be clear about which ones are most important to you and why. If one of your goals is to find a more fulfilling career, watch our short animation on 7 Tips to Finding a Fulfilling Career.
Make a plan
Decide how much time you have and want to dedicate to your goals and devote this time towards achieving your goals. Give yourself enough time – whether it is a little bit every day, every week or every month, and make sure that you stick to what you decide to do. This will take self-discipline and determination but it will be worth it when you can see your goals coming to life.
Create key milestones
It is important to have some checkpoints to help you stay on track and to act as times when you can evaluate your progress and establish whether or not this is the path that you still want to focus on.
Reflect on your strengths and experience to date
If you are thinking of a career change or getting a new job, a great place to start is to first think hard about what your unique strengths, skills and experiences are. If you can fully appreciate your asset base and capabilities, you will be in a strong position to move forwards. For many of us, however, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what these are, and so we would recommend exploring tools to help you like our Identifying Your Skills workbook.
Read more in totaljobs’ new eBook!
The post Kickstart Your Career appeared first on Career Energy.